Monica Levine LICSW

Individuals, Couples, Relationships, Communication, Intimacy and Sexual Concerns – Board Certified Sex Therapist

Category: Blog

About Psychodrama

“The purpose of therapy is not for the therapist to give you all the answers. The truth is he or she doesn’t know them. All that therapy can hope to accomplish is to shorten the lag time between suffering and becoming yourself.”
 – Dorothy Satten PhD

As part of an eclectic approach I often use psychodramatic techniques to alter perspective and as an aid in “shortening the lag time”. This way of working facilitates constructive change through developing new perceptions and reorganizing old patterns and changing behaviors. It is a process brought to this country in 1889 from Rumania by Dr. J.L Moreno. It is an organic, creative and visual process, which engages an individual to think, feel and experience issues beyond the narrative scripts we often find ourselves caught in. We have the opportunity to actively change our “story”.

About Sex Therapy

I am a board certified Sex Therapist through AASECT (American Association of Sex Educators, Counselors and Therapists). As a sex therapist I am committed to helping individuals listen to and understand the truths their physical and emotional bodies are sharing and to work towards removing obstacles that keep us all from living sexually and sensually fulfilling lives. Sex therapy is talk therapy often involving exercises to practice at home.

I take seriously the level of integrity and respect required to do this work and I feel privileged to help individuals reclaim their passion, which is life energy, affecting all areas of our lives.

Relationships, Intimacy and Sexual Concerns

“Tell me more…..”

When asked these three words, people feel heard, deeply cared about and validated.

In my work with individuals in relationship, whether they are a couple, parent and child, employer and employee or exploring relationship with oneself or one-selves, I work with people to dialogue from their hearts, which creates feelings of safety, trust and acceptance.

Providing a safe space where anything can be shared and validated brings clarity, deep understanding and creates an environment for compromise and working together.

In relationship, anything is possible.

Both my personal and professional work with psychodrama, as a sexologist and in my work with adolescents and their families, (including parenting our own three teenagers), has offered me a rich opportunity to continue to help people take the risks necessary for genuine communication and connection.

Let’s Talk About Sex: Teen Girls’ Group


Monica’s group is a very healthy way for girls in this age group to receive age appropriate information in a setting where they can feel completely safe to ask questions they might otherwise seek answers for from less-informed sources. I felt complete trust that she would help my daughter with the next stage of information gathering about matters related to intimacy and her burgeoning young adulthood. My daughter reported that she felt comfortable with Monica and the other girls. She feels prepared regarding how she might make important decisions about the road, particularly in ways that balance desire and good judgment. I recommend Monica’s group very highly.

– M.R.A. Northampton

My decision, a few years ago, to start offering Sex Positive Groups for adolescent girls grew out of my school based psychotherapy practice and my research in the field of sex education for adolescents as I became Board certified through AASECT as a Sex Therapist.

The groups focus on providing teen girls with a safe and comfortable place to ask questions, explore, discuss and role play about any and all topics regarding sexuality and about how ones’ sexual energy plays out with self, with others and in the world.

The intent of the group is based on the belief that we are all sexual beings and that our personal sense of our own sexuality informs our thoughts, feelings and our sense of identity. Girls need to feel entitled to their own sexuality, to feel they deserve pleasure, and to ask for pleasure as long as the interaction is safe, mutual, responsible and respectful.

Our culture has historically labeled girls and women who like sex or who are “sexual” as “bad girls”. Our present attitude towards girls pays a lot of attention to fostering self-esteem, empowerment, self worth, etc… We can’t talk about power without talking about sexuality and how we all choose to express that part of who we are.

Studies are determining that girls who are given permission to fully explore their sexuality, to know what they want, how to ask for what they want, negotiating relationships so they will be mutual and responsible- fosters the practice of necessary communication in relationships and limits the ratio of girls who report getting “swept away” in sexual encounters, that have negative emotional or physical consequences.

Throughout the four sessions we cover:

  • Alternate ways to be sexual that have no physical consequences.
  • Awareness of STDS
  • Birth control
  • Appreciation of and knowing one’s body
  • Through role play, we explore strategies that can be used to cope with a variety of confusing and challenging situations.
  • The definition of sexuality is broadened to include interactions with others including kissing, touch, as well as other ways we engage socially and creatively in the world
  • Positive feelings about sexuality/use of this power with responsibility
  • Creating ultimately a sense of self respect and empowerment

The group’s goal is to empower girls to know what they want and feel positive about their sexuality so they can act responsibly and with integrity.

Let’s help girls make those choices. That reality then will become the new story of the good girl!

Registration Information

Let’s Talk About Sex: Sex Poitive Teen Girls Group Groups run once a week in 3 week cycles – Please call to get information for upcoming dates and to register
90 Conz Street, Suite 14
Northampton, Mass. 01060

Checks can be made out to:
Monica Levine LICSW
And mailed to
90 Conz Street
Suite #14
Northampton, MA 01060

Let?s Talk About Sex: Sex Poitive Teen Girls Group Discussion — Education Group for Girls — Ages 13-15

This group will provide girls with the opportunity to explore their feelings about  their bodies and their sense of their sexuality in the often complicated world of adolescence and relationships.

Particular emphasis will be focused on a young woman’s relationship with herself and feelings and questions about sexuality.

I am available by phone or email for questions/concerns, etc. regarding topics covered. A pre group meeting for parents can be arranged for further discussion regarding content covered through this 4-week group.

Topics to be covered include:

  • Anatomy
  • Body Image
  • Sexual Health
  • Relationships
  • Healthy Sexual Boundaries
  • Normalizations of sexual thoughts, feelings, and curiosity.

“Prejudices are most difficult to eradicate from the heart whose soil has never been loosened or fertilized by education; they grow there, firm as weeds among the stones.”

– Charlotte Bronte

Sex Positive Group for Woman


Monica’s Sex Positive Group for Women changed my life. It made it possible for the self I had hidden for years to emerge. Through this group, I discovered that my sexual self is my positive self, the self that deserves to be heard and doesn’t hide. As a divorced mother of two, I had spent many years defining myself as a wife and mother and I felt not unlike a shell of a person. Monica’s group allowed me to fully become and express myself as a positive, sexual individual and allowed me to connect with others authentically and unabashedly. I would highly recommend this class to anyone.
– D.K. Belchertown

Monica is fearless, passionate and non-judgmental when it comes to talking about sex. She creates an atmosphere of joy and honesty, where women can gather and talk openly about sex. I found her group to be rejuvenating and tender at the same time . I think it’s important that women find places to speak openly about sexuality, for healing and for continuing to find joy in it all throughout life. Monica creates such a place.
– L.L. Amherst

This group brings together women with questions, challenges, concerns and desire to learn and openness to exploring how we can be more sensual, erotic and passionate in all our relationships. One’s sexual sensual sense of erotic self is defined not by others, but is an internal state – a self perception that we can carry into all areas of our lives including partnerships, children, work place, etc…

During the 4 weeks, we discuss how our histories inform how we behave sexually in the present. We will talk about bodies, anatomy and what helps our bodies work best and why. We’ll explore our own sexual palette (what we need to feel sensual and erotic).

Finally, we have the opportunity to go deeper into exploring what or who gets in our way of being fully passionate and sensual within ourselves and with others.

It is not necessary to be in a relationship to participate in the group and all sexual orientations are welcome. It is amazing how moving this energy in our lives can empower us, change our perspective and bring adventure.

Registration Information

Please call or email with questions, concerns and for more information.

Let’s Talk About Sex: Sex Positive Woman’s Group
Groups run once a week in 4 week cycles – Please call to get information for upcoming dates and to register.
90 Conz Street, Suite 14
Northampton, Mass. 01060

Checks can be made out to:
Monica Levine LICSW
And mailed to
90 Conz Street
Suite #14
Northampton, MA 01060


The sex positive group for women was one of the most fun and fulfilling things I have done in years. It was such a great group of women – all very, very different – but totally open to exploring and opening up to each other. It was so liberating. Monica did an amazing job of getting us all to explore our sexuality.
— V.M. Northampton

What a wonderful way for women to share a fun and informative evening. Monica’s Sex Positive group is a safe and comfortable environment for us to remember and celebrate our passion.” Like Sex and the City, The View and How to Look Good Naked all in one! Call your best girlfriends and sign up for “Sex Positive”. You will laugh, learn and feel passionate about yourself and those in your life. The four week group enriched my life in ways I am still smiling about – even months later.
— D.Z. Springfield

Attending the Sex Positive Group brought me to an understanding that my sexuality is about a lot more than sex. It is about the energy and passion I bring to all aspects of my life. It was a group experience where precious close friendships were formed. The most important bonus, is that it has helped me to communicate with my teen daughter in a way that is opened, honest and aware of the realities of her life and times, totally different than what I grew up with.
— I.F. Amherst

Copyright 2020 : Monica Levine LICSW | 90 Conz Street, Suite 14, Northampton, MA 01060 | (413) 335-5347